Hell Week: The Making of a SEAL

· Predajca: Harper Collins
16 recenzií
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

A riveting look at the incredibly gruelling week that turns a Navy man into a highly trained SEAl.

All the pain, punishment, endurance and commitment needed to survive the hell week of bootcamp training is chronicled in this riveting tale of determination and intrigue.

Go deep into SEAL territory with this intense, thrilling and detailed book written by Command Master Chief Dennis Chalker and military historian Kevin Dockery. No pain, no gain...

Hodnotenia a recenzie

16 recenzií

O autorovi

Dennis Chalker enlisted in the Army before joining the Navy and served as a “plankowner”, or founding member, of SEAL Team Six and “Red Cell”, and as a Command Master Chief for Navy BUD/S training. He lives in southern California.

Kevin Dockery is the military historian and field curator for the UDT/SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce, Florida. He lives in Michigan.

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