Hellgate: London: Exodus: Hellgate: London

· Hellgate London Trilogy 1. kniha · Predajca: Simon and Schuster
35 recenzií
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LONDON, 2038

The once-great city lies in ruins. A massive gash in the fabric of our reality roils against the horizon as it blends into a permanently darkened sky. The world as we know it has come to an end. Demons, the visions of our nightmares, walk the Earth. Mankind, driven in retreat to the sanctuary of the Underground, struggles to survive the Hellish apocalypse.

Among the survivors are those who foresaw the coming of the darkness, those who see it as an opportunity to improve the standing of man, and those who seek revenge for what was lost. All are now banding together in the shadows, arming themselves with futuristic weapons and arcane spells designed for one purpose -- to battle the demonic hordes and take back their world.

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35 recenzií

O autorovi

Mel Odom is the author of dozens of books and several television and game tie-ins, including Buffy the Campire Slayer, Diablo, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and novels set in Forgotten Realms. He received the American Librarian Association's ALEX Award for his novel, The Rover. He's also been a Stephen Tall finalist and was inducted into the Oklahoma Writer's Hall Of Fame. He lives with his wife in Moore, Oklahoma.

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