Her Secret Agent

· HarperCollins Australia
4 recenzie
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Falling for a secret agent only leads to heartbreak. Jennifer Green knows this from experience. She'd loved FBI Special Agent Trevor Hanks once, and then he'd left her Falling for a secret agent only leads to heartbreak. Jennifer Green knows this from experience. She'd loved FBI Special Agent Trevor Hanks once, and then he'd left her without a word of explanation. And now, two years later, he wants her help–to infiltrate her own family.

Trevor never wanted to hurt Jen. But he didn't have a choice then, and he doesn't have one now. Trevor is convinced that Jen's cousin is connected to a black–market baby ring, and to bring the criminals to justice, he needs to attend the family reunion with Jen. As her boyfriend. It's a position he finds himself enjoying a little too much–until the reunion turns deadly. Suddenly, Trevor has a new mission: keeping Jennifer safe until they can bring the ring down...and until he can ask her for a second chance.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

4 recenzie

O autorovi

Lynette Eason lives in Simpsonville, SC with her husband and two children. She is an award-winning, best-selling author who spends her days writing when she's not traveling around the country teaching at writing conferences. Lynette enjoys visits to the mountains, hanging out with family and brainstorming stories with her fellow writers. You can visit Lynette's website to find out more at www.lynetteeason.com or like her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lynette.eason

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