Hey, Who Made This Mess?

· Penguin саткан
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Someone is making a great big mess at the zoo in this hilarious and delightful debut picture book. Can you find the culprit before the zoo animals' do in this gentle mystery for the youngest readers?

All the animals at the zoo are in a tizzy. Someone slept in Elephant's haystack, drank from Lion's bowl, went potty in Ostrich's sandbox (yuck!), and scratched Giraffe's favorite tree. Worst of all, someone tried to eat Goldie, the zoo's resident goldfish. Whoever it was has been leaving a suspicious trail of footprints behind. Is it a great big scary monster as the animals fear? Or is it something else entirely? Follow the clues on every page, and you just might be surprised to see who is behind this very messy situation.

Автор жөнүндө

Primo Gallanosa is an author and illustrator for children's picture books. He previously worked as an artist for video games, and created and co-owns an award-winning kids app called Pocket Worlds. He has lived in Southern California all his life and attended the prestigious art school CalArts. When Primo isn't drawing, you can find him playing video games, reading a book, or surfing. He lives in Los Angeles with his amazing author wife, Marie Lu, and two adorable pups. Hey, Who Made This Mess? is his debut children's picture book.

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