Hide Me Among the Graves

· Atlantic Books Ltd
3 recenzie
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Táto e‑kniha

From multi-award-winning fantasy writer Tim Powers: a secret history of 19th-century London.

London, 1862: a city of stinking fog and dark, winding streets.
Adelaide McKee, a former prostitute, arrives on the doorstep of veterinary doctor John Crawford, a man she met once seven years earlier and the father of her only child, long presumed dead. She has recently learned that the girl lives - but her life and soul are sought by a ghostly vampire. And this is no ordinary spirit; the bloodthirsty wraith is that of John Polidori, Lord Byron's doctor...
Sweeping from high society to grimy slums, from elegant West End salons to the pre-Roman catacombs beneath St. Paul's, Hide Me Among the Graves blends the historical and the supernatural in a unique and dazzling novel.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3 recenzie

O autorovi

Tim Powers is the author of several acclaimed works of speculative fiction. His books have won both the World Fantasy and the Philip K. Dick Memorial Awards, twice. He has received the Locus Award three times. He lives in San Bernardino, California.

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