Dawn Leonard
I thoroughly enjoyed my 4th trip Home to Oak Creek in Hiding in Alaska. At first, author Belle Calhoune's use of both Isabelle Sanchez's given name and her Ella Perez WITSEC name bothered me until I realized that Calhoune was showing me Isabelle's discomfort in her new persona. I enjoyed meeting the North family and Oak Creek's most eligible bachelor, Connor again. Connor is dealing with the feeling like Ella is hiding something from him and his family. He worries her secret will hurt his family and wants to protect them. Isabelle is missing her family and fears being found or having her secret revealed. As this was the last book in the series, it was nice to catch up with the rest of the North family and have Piper and Braden marry in it. Calhoune is a favorite author because of the excellent job she does describing her characters and settings. I could clearly picture the chocolate factory - practically smell the chocolate. While this in the fourth book in the series and characters from previous books are in this one, it's not necessary to read the others first. I do recommend all 4 of them and other Love Inspired books by Belle Calhoune, I received a free book from the author. All opinions are my own.
Valri Western
I've always thought it was be so hard to be in WISTEC, witness protection. It's pretty much like jail, only not! You are ripped from everything familiar in your life, the hardest being your family! I can't imagine not being able to see my family again. Most of the time it's because you witnessed a crime - meaning you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course there are many other reasons for being in WISTEC but the above reason is why Isabelle is in it. She witnessed a crime and she's ripped away from everything she holds dear and plunked in a small town in Alaska. She has to reinvent herself and yet try to fit in. She meets Connor and immediately they click. However, she can't share anything "real" about herself and that's a problem. Connor knows Isabelle, or Ella, as she's known now, is hiding something but she won't share things about her past or a lot about herself now. It's a red flag to him but yet, he still wants to pursue a relationship with her. Ella can never share that she's in WISTEC so what is the point of a relationship? What will happen between Ella and Connor? I loved all the characters in this story! It shows the struggles Ella goes through and also what Connor goes through on the other side of things! I loved Connor's grandmother too! A wonderful story!