High Five

· Sotuvchi: Penguin
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A #1 New York Times bestseller from the creators of the beloved Dragons Love Tacos comes a rollicking, rhyme-tastic, interactive high five competition--starring YOU!

Discover the lost art of the high five and improve your slapping skills just in time for the annual high five contest! From hand-limbering stretches to lessons on five-ing with finesse, readers are guided through a series of interactive challenges, each goofier than the next.

Acclaimed creative duo Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri have dreamed up another one-of-a-kind, laugh-out-loud book that kids will beg to read again and again.

Muallif haqida

Adam Rubin is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of ten critically-acclaimed picture books, including the Those Darn Squirrels trilogy, Dragons Love Tacos, Dragons Love Tacos 2: The Sequel, Secret Pizza Party, Robo-Sauce and El Chupacabras (which was short-listed for the 2018 Texas Blue Bonnet award). He spent ten years working as a creative director in the advertising industry before leaving his day job to write full-time. In between writing projects, he designs and collects optical illusions, puzzles and games. His favorite color is blue, his favorite food is fried chicken, and his favorite animal is the otter.

Daniel Salmieri is an artist, illustrator, and author from Brooklyn, NY. He has illustrated twelve picture books including the New York Times best seller, Dragons Love Tacos. Daniel is a regular contributor to several magazines and newspapers including The New Yorker and the New York Times, and works on a wide array of projects from packaging design to branding. He currently lives with his wife, son, and their dog Ronni in New York City.

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