High Jinx

· The Blackford Oakes Mysteries 7. kniha · Open Road Media
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The “witty, charming, and courageous” CIA agent hunts for a mole inside MI6 in this New York Times–bestselling Cold War thriller series (Publishers Weekly).

Albania may be a small nation, but it’s about to become the front line of the Cold War. In hopes of toppling the brutal Communist regime that controls the country, the British intelligence service has handpicked an elite group of Albanian freedom fighters to be molded into commandos by Blackford Oakes, the CIA’s all-purpose warrior. With the help of MI6’s most ruthless clandestine agent, Oakes is charged with turning the Albanians into a team of guerillas who will parachute back into their homeland to fight the good fight—and together, die.
When the Albanian mission ends in disaster, however, Oakes smells a rat inside MI6, and he begins a hunt for the most notorious mole in the history of espionage.
High Jinx is the 7th book in the Blackford Oakes Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

O autorovi

William F. Buckley Jr. (1925–2008) was an author and political commentator. In 1955, he founded the influential conservative magazine National Review. Buckley also hosted the popular television show Firing Line and wrote a twice-weekly syndicated newspaper column. He is the author of more than fifty books, including titles on history, politics, and sailing, as well as a series of spy novels featuring CIA agent Blackford Oakes.

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