Higher education for diversity, social inclusion and community: A democratic imperative

· Council of Europe Higher Education Series āļŦāļ™āļąāļ‡āļŠāļ·āļ­āđ€āļĨāđˆāļĄāļ—āļĩāđˆ 22 · Council of Europe

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How does the Council of Europe put into practice its commitment to the promotion of a culture of democracy through education? Over the past decade or so, our societies have been facing increasing difficulties in reconciling acceptance of diversity and social inclusion with the need for community. The search for simple solutions to complex problems, the fact that “fake news” and “alternative facts” are no longer seen as nonsensical expressions, our responses to migration and the “refugee crisis”, and the growth of populism in many parts of Europe present challenges to our societies, and not least to education. Authors from Europe, North America and South Africa outline how higher education could respond to these challenges. The first section makes a strong case for the continuing importance of higher education and research to modern society. The second focuses on higher education institutions and the need for inclusive and diverse campuses. The third section considers opportunities to improve the inclusion of refugees and immigrants in higher education. Whereas the focus in Europe is mostly on refugees, in the United States it is largely on immigrants, further accentuated by the debate on the Dreamers.


The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. It comprises 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European Union. All Council of Europe member states have signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the Convention in the member states. Le Conseil de l’Europe est la principale organisation de dÃĐfense des droits de l’homme du continent. Il comprend 47 États membres, dont les 28 membres de l’Union europÃĐenne. Tous les États membres du Conseil de l’Europe ont signÃĐ la Convention europÃĐenne des droits de l’homme, un traitÃĐ visant à protÃĐger les droits de l’homme, la dÃĐmocratie et l’État de droit. La Cour europÃĐenne des droits de l’homme contrÃīle la mise en œuvre de la Convention dans les États membres.

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