Holy Warrior: A Novel of Robin Hood

· The Outlaw Chronicles 2. kniha · Predajca: St. Martin's Griffin
8 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

After the events of Outlaw, Robin of Locksley—and his sidekick and narrator, Alan Dale—finds himself in a very different England and a very changed world.

In 1190 A.D. Richard the Lionheart, the new King of England, has launched his epic crusade to seize Jerusalem from the Saracens. Marching with the vast royal army is Britain's most famous, most feared, most ferocious warrior: the Outlaw of Nottingham, the Earl of Locksley—Robin Hood himself. With his band of loyal men at his side, Robin cuts a bloody swath on the brutal journey east. Daring and dangerous, he can outwit and outlast any foe—but the battlefields of the Holy Land are the ultimate proving ground. And within Robin's camp lurks a traitor—a hidden enemy determined to assassinate England's most dangerous rogue.

Richly imagined and furiously paced, featuring a cast of unforgettable characters, Holy Warrior is adventure, history and legend at its finest.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií

O autorovi

ANGUS DONALD is a longtime journalist, now novelist, and lives in England. He is at work on his next book in the Outlaw series.

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