Honor Among Thieves

· Ancient Blades Trilogy Sách 3 · Harper Collins
11 bài đánh giá
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When it comes to epic fantasy, David Chandler’s breathtaking trilogy, The Ancient Blades, steals the show! Honor Among Thieves, the concluding volume in the fantastic adventures of young cutpurse Malden in and beyond the treacherous City of Ness, honors a glorious fantasy tradition while offering a fresh take on loyalty, love, magic, friendship, and duty.  In this final chapter, Malden, having failed to protect a kingdom despite wielding one of seven Ancient Blades, must employ trickery and cunning to survive rampaging barbarian hordes and former friends alike. With his magnificent Ancient Blades novels—Den of Thieves, A Thief in the Night, and now Honor Among Thieves—David Chandler has boldly established himself as a major new voice in fantasy fiction, spinning gritty tales of intrigue, knights and bandits, witches and warriors, demons and monsters, as adroitly as Brent Weeks, Scott Lynch, Joe Ambercrombie, R. A. Salvatore, and possibly even challenging the throne of George R. R. Martin himself.

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11 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

David Chandler was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1971. He attended Penn State and received an MFA in creative writing. In his alter-ego as David Wellington, he writes critically acclaimed and popular horror novels and was one of the co-authors of the New York Times bestseller Marvel Zombies Return. Den of Thieves is his first fantasy novel, soon followed by A Thief in the Night and Honor Among Thieves.

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