Hugs from Heaven: Embraced by the Savior GIFT: Sayings, Scriptures, and Stories from the Bible Re

· 销售商:Simon and Schuster
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In this inspirational book, you’ll feel the warmth of God’s tender hugs conveyed through the arms of his precious Son. Well-known Bible stories will take on new meaning as you are transported to the scene to explore the thoughts and feelings of the men and women who were touched by the embrace of the Savior.

How would you like to get a hug directly from heaven? You can, you know. In this inspirational book, you’ll feel the warmth of God’s tender hugs conveyed through the arms of his precious Son. Well-known Bible stories will take on new meaning as you are transported to the scene to explore the thoughts and feelings of the men and women who were touched by the embrace of the Savior.

Experience the joy of a man healed of leprosy; walk with Mary, the mother of Jesus, as she makes her painful journey to watch her son die; sense the awe of the Samaritan woman who met a man who knew everything she’d ever done and still loved her. As gifted author Caron Loveless retells these timeless tales, you’ll discover unique insights that will deepen your faith and warm your heart.


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Caron Chandler Loveless is a bestselling author, artist, life coach, and cohost of The Live True Podcast. She has authored and coauthored numerous books and magazine articles. For over twenty-five years, Caron used her strategic leadership and artistic gifts serving on the executive staff of Discovery Church in Orlando, Florida. She and her husband are currently dedicated to helping others break through the barriers that hinder them from living, loving, and leading with a healthy soul, and are parents to three dynamic adult sons.




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