Hummus and Homicide

· A Kebab Kitchen Mystery 1. liburua · Kensington Cozies
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A Mediterranean restaurant on the Jersey Shore is known for its killer hummus—and a dead health inspector—in this coy mystery series debut. When Lucy Berberian quits her Philadelphia law firm and heads home to Ocean Crest, New Jersey, she knows what she’s getting—funnel cake, wooden roller coasters, and her family’s restaurant, Kebab Kitchen. Lucy’s happy to be waitressing during the slow off-season. And she loves the new hummus bar, with every flavor from lemon to roasted red pepper.
She could do without Heather Banks, though. The Gucci-toting ex-cheerleader is still as nasty as she was back in high school . . . and unfortunately, she’s just taken over as the local health inspector. Just minutes after eating at Kebab Kitchen—where she’s tallied up a whole list of bogus violations—she falls down dead in the street. Word on the grapevine says it’s homicide, and Lucy’s the number one suspect . . .
Recipes included!

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2 iritzi

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Tina Kashian, previously published as Tina Gabrielle, is a bestselling author, an attorney, and a mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. Tina spent her childhood summers at the Jersey shore building sandcastles, boogie boarding, and riding the boardwalk Ferris wheel. She also grew up in the restaurant business, as her Armenian parents owned a restaurant for thirty years. Please visit her website at to join her newsletter, receive delicious recipes, enter contests, and more!

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