Hunches in Bunches

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26 шүүмж
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What’s a person to do when there is so much to do? Dr. Seuss adds his signature spin to the age-old dilemma of indecisiveness in his rhyming picture-book classic Hunches in Bunches. Go outside, play video games, eat a pizza, do homework? Whether you have a “four-way hunch,” a “nowhere hunch,” or an “up hunch,” Dr. Seuss and his unmistakable one-of-a-kind advice will ensure that readers of all ages won’t get “ga-fluppted.”

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26 шүүмж

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Theodor Seuss Geisel—aka Dr. Seuss—is one of the most beloved children’s book authors of all time. From The Cat in the Hat to Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, his iconic characters, stories, and art style have been a lasting influence on generations of children and adults. The books he wrote and illustrated under the name Dr. Seuss (and others that he wrote but did not illustrate, including some under the pseudonyms Theo. LeSieg and Rosetta Stone) have been translated into 45 languages. Hundreds of millions of copies have found their way into homes and hearts around the world. Dr. Seuss’s long list of awards includes Caldecott Honors, the Pulitzer Prize, and eight honorary doctorates. Works based on his original stories have won three Oscars, three Emmys, three Grammys, and a Peabody.

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