Hundred Reasons

· Money for Love පොත 1 · BrixBaxter Publishing
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සුදුසුකම් ලබයි

මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

Declan Gamble cares about two things–his daughter and his company. Nothing can compete with the devotion he shows to both. Until the day Alex Tanner appears in his life. 

Struggling to keep her late father’s repair shop afloat, Alex doesn’t have time for anything else. When she isn’t repairing motorcycles, she’s dreaming up ways to continue doing so. She won’t let anything stand in her way. 

Failure is not an option, and she’s determined to make things work without asking for help from anyone. So, when Declan Gamble saunters into her shop, she can’t possibly prepare for the impact he will have on not only her business, but her life.


The man is too sexy for his own good. 


** Please note that this is book 1 of a trilogy. There is a cliffhanger, and you will have to purchase book 2 and 3 to complete the story. Book one is on us to make sure you like the story before continuing.

ඇගයීම් සහ සමාලෝචන

සමාලෝචන 100ක්

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