Hungary and the Victor Powers, 1945-1950

· Springer
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Táto e‑kniha

Eric Roman is the first scholar to be granted access to the vast, heretofore closed, archive of documents relating to the communist era in Hungary. This archive included the files of the Hungarian Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party and the Hungarian Socialist Worker's Party, as well as minutes of political committee meetings, private correspondence, secret papers and confidential reports on special commissions within Hungary. Skilfully using all this material, Eric Roman weaves a fascinating portrait of Hungary in the post-war period. As the country began to reconstruct itself after the War, Roman shows the toll taken by poverty and racial discord. In what amounts to the only complete English-language account of Hungary's diplomatic policy, Hungary and the Victor Powers takes an in-depth look at Hungary's relationship with those countries nearest to it, especially the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Eric Roman's Hungary and the Victor Powers, 1945-1950 is a compelling work of history that is destined to be one of the most important books on the topic.

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