Hymn to Badrinath

Central Chinmaya Mission Trust
1 arvustus

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

 Hymn to the lord of badri is a rare work of artistic elegance, of philosophical depths and of emotional beauty. it is the joyous adoration of a divine heart of love pouring itself out in ecstasy the blissful inspiration of its subjective spiritual experience the hymn is at once a summary of the highest truth as discussed in our Upanishads and a lyrical song of flooded love . In these hundred stanzas gurudev sri swami tepovanam has painted vivdly both the theory of vedanta and the teachas of realising the truth he has dicussed it in four section . swami tapovanam the glory of the himalay as wrote these staxes during one of this season.

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1 arvustus

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