I Can't Stop Crying: Grief and Recovery, A Compassionate Guide

· Được bán bởi McClelland & Stewart
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Sách điện tử
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

For anyone who has experienced a significant loss, this wonderfully informative and accessible book is a guide to understanding and overcoming grief.

The death of someone close -- a familiy member, spouse, or partner -- can result in feelings of overwhelming grief. At the same time, society unrealistically expects people to recover from grief as quickly as possible. I Can't Stop Crying looks at grieving as a painful but necessary process. The authors emphasize the importance of giving permission to grieve and suggest steps for rebuiliding life without the one who is gone. They also look at how such a loss affects relationships with family and friends, as well as lifestyle, work habits, and hopes for the future. The book includes an appendix with bereavement groups, resources, and other self-help organizations for grievers.

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Giới thiệu tác giả

John Martin has extensive experience in bereavement counselling for individuals and groups. He has lectured on grief and bereavement and taught bereavement support skills to physicians, health care professionals, and volunteers. He also contributed to I Don't Know What to Say: How to Help and Support Someone Who Is Dying by Dr. Robert Buckman. Frank Ferris, MD, is a palliative care specialist at the Institute for Palliative Medicine in San Diego.

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