I Saw It Too!: Real UFO Sightings

· Dundurn
4 apžvalgos
El. knyga

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Although many adults believe they have had encounters with strange creatures from alien spaceships, not everyone has actually reported their experiences to official investigators. But if you’re a young person it’s even less likely that people will believe you and more likely that your story will never be officially recorded. After all, who would believe a kid?

I Saw It Too! is the first collection of stories told by children, documenting what they saw and when they saw it. These accounts are real cases of UFOs they’ve seen or alien creatures they’ve encountered that were reported to government or military officials, UFO investigators, and journalists.

Inside you will find eighteen of these strange, fascinating, and believable tales recounted by young people from around the world with story illustrations by Stacey Archer with Lonigan Gilbert. The truth is really out there, and renowned ufologist Chris Rutkowski has tracked it down!

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4 apžvalgos

Apie autorių

Chris A. Rutkowski is a science writer with a background in astronomy and education who has devoted much time to investigating and studying reports of UFOs. He is the author of A World of UFOs and the national bestselling Abductions and Aliens and The Canadian UFO Report (co-authored with Geoff Dittman). Rutkowski lives in Winnipeg.

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