Immortal Sleepers: Blood Awakening

· Predajca: Simon and Schuster
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Táto e‑kniha

Worlds collide, marking the beginning of an epic battle forged between the forces of darkness and light. The fate of all rests on the Hunter’s shoulders to quell the rising tide of evil threatening to overtake everything and plunge the connected realms into eternal darkness.

Kaelyn never felt extraordinary, growing up in the heart of Boston for most of her young life. Her humdrum routine remained unchanged for longer than she cared to remember; until the day a beautiful stranger drifted into her bookshop and changed her life forever.

Tyrian knew the moment he saw her that she was the one. His one. The singular being, within all of time and space, who was made for him alone. His world was not one of niceties and pretty things; bringing her into it would be dangerous. But he would protect her. He had to. After all, it was foretold.

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