In Care Of Sam Beaudry

· HarperCollins Australia
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Keeping the people of his Rocky Mountain hometown safe was Sheriff Sam Beaudry's top priority. But his quiet life suddenly came under scrutiny when a young stranger came to town, claiming to be Sam's secret daughter upsetting his very existence, not to mention his budding relationship with lovely nurse Maggie Whiteside.

Maggie wasn't swayed by all the talk surrounding Sam. Because she believed that she and the rugged lawman shared something special. Maggie and her young son had always known that he was a man to count on.

Now she had to show him that he could count on her .

Egileari buruz

Kathleen Eagle published her first book, a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award winner, in 1984. Since then she has published more than forty books, including historical and contemporary, series and single title, earning her nearly every award in the industry. Her books have appeared on the USA Today bestseller list and the New York Times extended bestseller list. Kathleen is a winner of the RITA® award, and has also won the career achievement award twice from Romantic Times. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, who is Lakota Sioux. The Eagles have three children and three grandchildren.

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