Andrea Stoeckel
"Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there" This is the seventh novel in the series, and reflects, in part, the hopeless/hopefulness many had soon after 9/11. What starts out as a challenge for Father TIm, Cynthia and the ratag Mitford bunch reminds us again and again that G-d is in the details as age and illness creep up on many of these well loved characters. Tim's diabetes makes a rip roaring appearance and weaves in and out of the whole story. However, things are changing: new priest, new pastors, and old returning characters for good and not so good. Will another Barlowe be found? WHat's up with Uncle Billy? Will Tim and Cynthia be apart? What about Dooley and Lace? I simply love these books and I try hard not to add spoilers to the mix. This book, like most good things takes it's time as if we were walking down Main St in Mitford. Perhaps we'll see you there next. Highly Recommended 5/5
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