In the Ocean of Night

· Galactic center series 1. raamat · Müüja: Aspect
12 arvustust

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A classic novel of man's future and fate, written by the eminent American physicist and award-winning author of Timescape.
2034. An indistinguishable sound is heard from the depths of space and one member of the search and survey team, Nigel, believes he knows its origins. 15 years earlier, he was the astronaut sent to implode a firey comet as it hurtled toward the Asian subcontinent. Once inside the fissure he made an unlikely discovery: an abandoned alien ship. Against his better judgment, Nigel carried out his mission, destroying the vessel-but not before clandestinely removing alien data and technology from on board. Now, as the team sets forth on a new adventure of discovery, Nigel's past will collide with the present, introducing him to wonders beyond human comprehension.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

12 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Gregory Benford is a professor of physics at the University of California at Irvine, and he is the recipient of two Nebula Awards, the United Nations Prize for Literature, and the 1995 Lord Prize for his contributions to science, among many other honors.

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