Indie Kidd: Being Grown Up Is Cool (Not!)

· Indie Kidd 3. kniha · Predajca: Yearling
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INDIE KIDD CAN'T wait to be a cool grown-up. Actually, she wants to be a cool grown-up right now. Lately Indie's mother has been acting weird and treating her like she's a little kid. Indie thinks it would be cool to get a job and live wherever she wants, just like Caitlin, who rents a room in their house. She even wants to hang out with Caitlin rather than her own friends, who aren't grown up enough to understand how she feels. Little does she know that trying to be a cool grown-up could get her into a whole heap of trouble.

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O autorovi

Karen McCombie trained as a magazine journalist in her native Scotland before moving to London. After several years working on teen favorites Just 17 and Sugar, she turned to fiction, with her first series, Ally's World, becoming an instant success. In total, Karen's had more than 70 books published and translated around the world, and more than a million books sold. She lives in North London with her very Scottish husband, her daughter, a demented cat called Dizzy, and Biscuit, the button-obsessed hamster.

Lydia Monks is a bestselling and award-winning illustrator and author of children’s books. She is well known for collaborating with Julia Donaldson on titles such as What the Ladybird Heard, which has sold more than a million copies and been translated into many languages. Born in Surrey, England, Monks currently resides in London with her two cats. To learn more, visit

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