Indigo Slam: An Elvis Cole Novel

· Myyjä: Hachette Books
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Life in the California sun suits Elvis Cole -- until the day a fifteen-year-old girl and her two younger siblings walk into his office. Then everything changes. Three years ago, a Seattle family ran for their lives in a hail of bullets. Hired by three kids to find their missing father, Elvis now must pick up the cold pieces of a drama that began that night. What he finds is a sordid tale of high crimes and illicit drugs. As clues to a man's secret life emerge from the shadows, Elvis knows he's not just up against ruthless mobsters and some very angry Feds. He's facing a storm of desperation and conspiracy -- bearing down on three children whose only crime was their survival . . ."

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Robert Crais lives in Los Angeles and is the author of many New York Times bestsellers, including The First Rule, The Sentry, the #1 bestseller Taken, and Suspect. In 2014 the Mystery Writers of America honored Robert Crais with the Grand Master Award.

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