Innocence Surrendered: A Virgin Auction Romance

Sahara Roberts
1 isibuyekezo

Mayelana nale ebook

I'm at the end of my rope, but three nights could change my life...


I've clawed my way through life only to end up hours away from being broke and homeless. I can't do it again. Yet I can only balk at the offer brought to my door. What should I do when I know three nights could change my life...


I've had the perfect little coed running through my mind for too long. One look into her life tells me she won't be up for a no strings attached fling, unless I find the right incentive...


**PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED as Jasmine in the Tangled Sheets Anthology.

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1 isibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

USA Today Bestselling Author, Sahara Roberts, caught the writing bug early in life. She enjoys writing Dark Romance and Romantic Suspense. Her days are filled with international trade issues (the legal kind) and her evenings writing steamy romance.

She is currently working on Billionaire Heirs, a Dark Romance Trilogy and has a new book in the works set in the same world as Blood Ties, a Dark Mafia Romance series.

When she's not hard at work on a book, she enjoys socializing on Facebook and Instagram or watching My Hero Academia, Food Wars, and Dragon Slayer.

Sahara lives in South Texas with her beloved husband and their three furry overlords. She enjoys cooking, baking, and cake decorating, but she would certainly prefer to have someone else do the dishes.

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