Innocent as Sin

· St. Kilda Consulting 2. grāmata · Pārdevējs: Harper Collins
4 atsauksmes

Par šo e-grāmatu

The New York Times bestelling queen of of romantic suspense—an author hailed as “a cut above”* returns with an exceptional thriller packed with her trademark combination of passion, danger, and intrigue

Throwing himself into his painting, Rand McCee wishes the swirls of light and color can erase the memory of his beloved brother’s murder. On a scouting assignment for St. Kilda Consulting, a Manhattan-based, global business that concentrates on the shadow world where governments can’t go, Rand’s twin was shot in cold blood before Rand’s eyes.

Finally coming to terms with the fact that he will never be able to find the man responsible—a mysterious figure known as “The Siberian”—Rand just wants to forget. But as he soon learns, the past won’t let him. . . .

Helping a rich socialite finance an art exhibition, Arizona banker Kayla Shawn has unwittingly become entangled in a deadly web of lies and deceit involving money laundering. When her employer tries to buy her silence, Kayla knows she’s in way over her head, with only one way out: Rand.

Though their attraction is instant and intense, it’s not enough to overcome their mutual suspicion. Somehow Kayla and Rand must learn to work together to unmask a terrifying enemy before they land in jail—or the grave.

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4 atsauksmes

Par autoru

New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell has more than eighty titles published to date with over twenty-four million copies of her books in print. She lives in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with her husband, with whom she writes novels under a pseudonym. Her favorite activity is exploring the Western United States to find the landscapes that speak to her soul and inspire her writing.

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