Instant Egghead Guide: The Universe

· विक्रेता: St. Martin's Griffin
2 समीक्षाएं

इस ई-बुक के बारे में जानकारी

Everything from quarks to galactic superclusters delivered to your eyeballs at the speed of light (any faster would be impossible)

Take a tour of the wonder and majesty of the universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the possibility of infinite universes. According to some prominent physicists, it's possible that, right now, someone who looks just like you is reading the back of a book just like this one in a parallel universe. And your double thinks it looks really interesting...
Whether you're a fan of Scientific American's wildly popular 60-Second Science Podcast or just curious about science, you're going to want to dust off your Dad's telescope and warm up your particle accelerator after enjoying the bite-sized physics knowledge in The Instant Egghead Guide to the Universe.

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं

2 समीक्षाएं

लेखक के बारे में

JR MINKEL is a staff editor at Scientific American.

George Musser is the astronomy editor at Scientific American magazine and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory.

इस ई-बुक को रेटिंग दें

हमें अपनी राय बताएं.

पठन जानकारी

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