Intellectual Capital: The Intangible Assets of Professional Development Schools

· State University of New York Press

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

A Professional Development School (PDS) offers unique university-school relationships that can change the culture of learning and add value to students and the community. Initially created in the 1980s, the PDS movement is growing across the country and is now a respected teacher education model. In this book, Carole G. Basile has collected stories written by people connected to the University of Colorado Denver, which has one of the longest-standing PDS partnerships (established in 1993). The site professors, site coordinators, teachers, and others describe in engaging detail the work they do and its impact. By providing a framework situated in the notion of intellectual capital, PDS faculty from the university and K–12 share how the PDS model adds value to schools and students.

O autorovi

Carole G. Basile is Associate Professor of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver and the Codirector of the Rocky Mountain Middle School Math and Science Partnership. She is the author of A Good Little School, also published by SUNY Press, and the coauthor (with Cameron White and Stacey Robinson) of Awareness to Citizenship: Environmental Literacy for the Elementary Child.

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