Intermediate Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook, Edition 2

· Routledge
مراجعة واحدة
كتاب إلكتروني

معلومات عن هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

Intermediate Chinese is the ideal reference and practice book for students with some knowledge of the language. Each of the 25 units deals with a particular grammatical point and provides associated exercises. Features include:

  • clear, accessible format
  • many useful language examples
  • jargon-free grammar explanations
  • sample drills and exercises with full answer key.

All Chinese entries are presented in both pinyin romanisation and Chinese characters, and are accompanied, in most cases, by English translations to facilitate self-tuition in both the spoken and the written language. This new edition also includes a glossary of vocabulary and aglossary of grammatical terms.

Intermediate Chinese reviews the principal elements presented in its sister volume, Basic Chinese, and introduces more complicated structures. The two books form a compendium of the essentials of Chinese grammar.

التقييمات والتعليقات

مراجعة واحدة

نبذة عن المؤلف

Yip Po-Ching was formerly Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds and Don Rimmington is Emeritus Professor of East Asian Studies and former head of the East Asian Studies Department at the University of Leeds.

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