International Conflict: Logic and Evidence

· CQ Press


International Conflict: Logic and Evidence is based on the premise that proper understanding of international conflict – a necessary prerequisite for achieving peace – can come only from logic and evidence, not from opinion and anecdote. This groundbreaking book introduces students to international conflict’s key theories and empirical research. Throughout the text, author Stephen L. Quackenbush gives examples that enable readers to see the theory in real-world events, and provides the data from the most recent research. Covering the entire process of interstate war, from causes of conflict to escalation, conduct, resolution, and recurrence, the book provides readers with a fascinating, thorough study that will help them understand how international conflict works.


Stephen L. Quackenbush is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Missouri. His research and teaching focuses on international conflict. Specific areas of interest include understanding the dynamics of deterrence, the effect of settlements on recurrent conflict, and the effect of strategy and other factors on war outcomes. He is the author of Understanding General Deterrence: Theory and Application, and his research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Political Research Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, Conflict Management and Peace Science, and Review of International Studies. He served as an Army officer, including a year in Iraq in 2004, receiving the Bronze Star Medal.




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