Into the West: The Story of Its People

· Predajca: Vintage
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Acclaimed historian Walter Nugent brings us what is perhaps the most comprehensive and fascinating account to date of the peopling of the American West. In this epic social-demographic history, Nugent explores the populations of the West as they grow, change and intersect from the Paleo-Indians, the Spanish Conquistadors, to displaced Okies, wartime African American immigrants, and all the disparate groups that have made California the most ethnically diverse state in the union.

Their tale, in all its complexity, is a tale that surprises, that subverts traditional stereotypes and that illuminates the multifaceted character of one of the world’s most unique and dynamic territories.

O autorovi

Walter Nugent taught history at the University of Notre Dame from 1984 to 1999, and before that, was Professor of History at Indiana University for twenty-one years. As a visiting professor he has also taught and lived in England, Israel, Germany, Poland, and Ireland. He has published nine previous books and well over a hundred essays and review on American and comparative history. He lives with his wife, the historian Suellen Hoy, in Chesteron, Indiana.

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