Irish Pubs Photo Book: Volume I

· Pubs of Ireland Sách 2 · M. D. Healy
Sách điện tử

Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

The Irish Pubs Photo Book Volume I is a "coffee table" style photo book containing color photos of beautiful authentic traditional Irish pubs in Ireland, great for viewing on a Google device. The photo book contains over 60 different Irish pub photos. May you be blessed with an opportunity to travel to Ireland to visit some of these fine Irish public houses and experience the unique ambience and pleasures that each pub has to offer. 

Giới thiệu tác giả

 A Trinity College Dublin, Ireland graduate, the author and photographer, M. D. Healy is a travel photography enthusiast. Mr. Healy developed his interest and passion for photographing Ireland’s many ancient sites, castles, landscapes, and pubs through his annual trips to Ireland to visit family and friends there. He believes in capturing the raw beauty of Ireland in his photos, without much post processing touch-up. He named his photography business Ballycastle Photography in honor of his Irish grandparents who were both born near Ballycastle, a quaint Irish village on the wild, scenic Atlantic coast of north County Mayo, Ireland. His Irish grandparents immigrated to America in 1912 and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to his love of Ireland travel photography, Mr. Healy helps people around the world find their Irish ancestors’ origins and birthplaces with his Irish Ancestry Research service business, Ballycastle Irish Genealogy.

The author and photographer, M. D. Healy is also a professional genealogist specializing in helping people around the world find their Irish ancestors' origins and birthplaces in Ireland back to 1820. In providing his Irish genealogy services, Mr. Healy's ultimate goals are to find, retrieve, and deliver to his clients their Irish ancestors' official Irish church baptism certificates and Irish government birth certificates. A Trinity College Dublin, Ireland graduate, Mr. Healy developed his interest and passion for Irish genealogy through the study of his own Irish family history, stimulated by lengthy Healy family history conversations and discussions with his relatives in Ireland.

M. D. Healy is a Certificate of Irish Heritage Affiliated Genealogist and Author/Photographer of "Irish Genealogy Tips, Techniques and Tales" , "Ireland Mosaic: A Photo Journey", and "Pubs of Ireland" series eBooks.

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