It's a Calamity, Jane

· Dog Ear Publishing
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Olivia, a “hopefully retired” con-artist, has escaped in a close getaway and is hiding out in the Bahamas. Life has become simple, and she has peter donavan to thank for it. a man who saved her in a job gone bad, and then disappeared to pursue his own hideaway.

Two Months Later... The First Clue Arrives.

Olivia believes it’s been planted by Peter, vague and untraceable by design. a cry for help, perhaps. and something she must pursue. she soon finds herself coming out of exile to follow a trail of methodically placed clues, each increasingly savvy; seemingly to insure that she would be the sole person able to follow them. the intention, unknown. her purpose, a mystery. and soon, even the source of the clues becomes dangerously questionable.

And as the puzzle unfolds, she can see only two possible scenarios if she succeeds. One: she arrives on time, as intended, to fulfill her purpose. Or two: she arrives on time, as intended... and it’s too late to turn back.

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