It's a Wonderful Holiday: have a perfect holiday with this feel good Christmas read

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A charming festive novella from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heidi McLaughlin.

A workaholic finds just the right Christmas magic to remind him about the most important thing in life . . .

Gwen and Rory are in the midst of a divorce which neither of them really wants.

But Rory's a workaholic and Gwen is fed up with him putting work before their family. Feeling that a divorce is the only option, she is finally honest with Rory and he is shocked by how badly he's messed up the most important thing in his life.

Desperate to change her mind, Rory pulls out all the stops to show how he's changed and how much he loves their family.

Will Rory and Gwen get a second chance to save their marriage and bring love back into their family?

It's a Wonderful Holiday is a reimagining of Frank Capra's Christmas classic It's A Wonderful Life.

*Originally published in the Christmas With You anthology

Why readers love It's A Wonderful Holiday:

'An enchanting and moving story, It's a Wonderful Holiday is a charming tale, with spirited characters and a happily ever after'

'Thank you, Heidi McLaughlin, for this beautiful story'

'Heidi's words sucked me in from the beginning and didn't let go . . . I loved this book'

'A modern twist to an old classic . . . there is absolutely nothing not to love about this'

'I loved this version of It's a Wonderful Life!'

'Heidi McLaughlin writes stories like no other author. Reading her books is like coming home and It's a Wonderful Holiday is no exception'

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Heidi McLaughlin is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of The Beaumont Series, The Boys of Summer, and The Archers.

Originally, from the Pacific Northwest, she now lives in picturesque Vermont, with her husband, two daughters, and their three dogs.

In 2012, Heidi turned her passion for reading into a full-fledged literary career, writing over twenty novels, including the acclaimed Forever My Girl.

When writing isn't occupying her time, you can find her sitting courtside at either of her daughters' basketball games.

Heidi's first novel, Forever My Girl, has been adapted into a motion picture with LD Entertainment and Roadside Attractions, starring Alex Roe and Jessica Rothe.

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