Becky Baldridge
This story had the potential to be so much more than what I found in its pages. While it did have some amusing dialogue at times, it fell short for me. From the blurb, I expected some drama surrounding a steamy video and maybe even some intrigue surrounding blackmail over that video. As it turned out, the video in question presents an issue for all of a hot minute and the story is more about Dawn hiding her less than prosperous circumstances from everyone, including Rory. In the end, Dawn is more tedious than quirky and Rory is an arrogant show-off. At one point, it appeared that there would be some intrigue surrounding Dawn and the people who wanted her out of business, but the book quickly becomes more about Rory and Dawn's sexcapades than anything else and considering that I never felt the connection between the two, much less found either of them particularly likable, the whole thing just missed the mark for me. I did keep reading to see if that initial intrigue would lead anywhere but was disappointed in the end.

Bette Hansen
A sexy steamy story that will entertain and amuse. I truly enjoyed this one. The characters are intriguing, the story is well written, and the pace of the story moves along nicely. Dawn lives life on her terms. Her father may have tried to break her spirit but he failed. Now she owns her own business and she'll do whatever it takes to keep it safe from the greedy real estate guy buying out all the other store owners so he can put in some high scale stores. Rory is a billionaire who is use to getting his way in both his business and personal life. He's never met anyone like Dawn though and while he does want her business out of the building he wants her in his personal life for as long as she will stay. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good steamy romance.

Heather Fueger
**Advanced copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review** This book was such a surprise for me! While I was looking forward to reading it based on other books I've read by the author, but also due to the description, I wasn't prepared for how quickly these characters were going to draw me in. Dawn Nolan owns a bookstore in her hometown of Haven. While she does sell books, she sells other things as well and the store is a place where women in the town feel safe coming. Dawn is about women's empowerment, sexual freedom and standing up for what she feels is right. The latter has estranged her from her family, so she's also fiercely independent. Rory Parker is a billionaire who isn't used to being challenged. When he is charged with overhauling the stores in the town, he expects that everyone is going to jump at the amount of money that they are being offered. He has several takers, but Dawn is having none of it. She has a lease, she hasn't violated it and she's not leaving. Not only is Rory surprised, he's also drawn to the woman that he's known since high school even though she's the exact opposite of women he normally goes for. As Dawn and Rory begin spending time together, their chemistry is undeniable and they decide to enter into a fling. The question is will it turn into the real deal or will their pasts and secrets that haven't been shared going to derail the budding relationship? I really enjoyed these characters and how strong Dawn was. I also liked how Rory's focused changed over the course of the book. He started as someone solely focused on business and the bottom line, but but the time all was said and done his horizons had been expanded. This is a book that I would say you can't judge by it's cover. You have to dive in and immerse yourself in it to experience it's awesomeness!
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