Danny loves ballet, but he daren’t admit it to his mates. But one of his teacher’s knows, and she casts Danny in the starring ballet role in the end of term show at school. But Danny is also in the school football team and the rehearsals for the show clash with team nights. How can be maintain his cool with his peers and still star in the performance. Mixups and mayhen ensue as several fibs are told to parents, friends and siblings. But at the end of the day, is Danny sick as a parrot or over the moon? On performance night, Danny is simply DAZZLING!
Jean Ure had her first book published when she was sixteen and has been writing ever since. Her passions in life are ballet and animal rights and many of her books encompass one or other of these topics – including her classic boy dancer title, A Proper Little Nooryeff. Jean lives in a three-hundred-year old cottage in Croydon with her husband, Leonard, and several cats and dogs.