
· The Hybrid Chronicles 1. књига · Graffridge Publishing
39 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

He had made the ultimate sacrifice...only he wasn't really dead.

He signed their forms. He accepted their diagnosis. He welcomed the treatment.

He changed his name and disappeared.

Now he is treated as less than human. A pet, held in the Facility until he and his team are let loose on a government-sanctioned target.

Except this next target isn't some terrorist or criminal - it's a teenage girl on US soil, along with the woman who stole his heart.

Jericho and his team may be a different kind of soldier, but they still hold to their moral codes and honor. Going against a direct order is not something they would normally consider...

But nothing about this team is normal.

Оцене и рецензије

39 рецензија

О аутору

T.K. Eldridge retired from a career in Intelligence for the US Gov't to write. The experiences from then are now being used to feed the muse for paranormal murder mystery, supernatural, and urban fantasy stories.

When they’re not writing, they are enjoying life in the Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina. Two dogs, two cats, a garden, a craft hobby and a love of Celtic Traditional music keep them from spending too much time at the computer.

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