Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia

· Arcadia Publishing
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Jewish Family and Childrens Service of Greater Philadelphia (JFCS) resulted from the merger of two important human service organizations in 1983: the Association for Jewish Children of Philadelphia and Jewish Family Service of Philadelphia. Helping one in four Jewish households in crisis and in need as well as thousands of others, JFCS plays a primary role in the Greater Philadelphia community. The earliest predecessor of JFCS, the Jewish Foster Home, opened in 1855 with five children in its care. Established through the leadership of Rebecca Gratz, the foremost American Jewish female leader of her day, it was the nations first Jewish orphanage and heralded a record of compassion, skill, and innovation in community services. Today, JFCS reaches out to more than 41,000 individuals and families each year with a wide array of programs from adoption to senior services. Jewish Family and Childrens Service of Greater Philadelphia is the first illustrated history of this organization. With numerous historic photographs, including images from the 150th anniversary celebration in 2005, this book touches on all aspects of the organizations history: services, programs, staff, and fund-raising.

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Allen Meyers, a well-known local author, joined with JFCS and others to portray this rich community history.

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