Joe Miller's Jests, Or, Wit's Merry Companion: Most Humbly Inscribed to All the Choice Spirits, Merry Souls, and Facetious Companions, of the Age. Being a Collection of the Most Brilliant Jests, Excellent Bons Mots, and Most Pleasant Short Stories in the English Language; Many of Them Transcribed from the Mouth of the Facetious Gentleman Whose Name They Bear. Which Will Expel Care, Drown Grief, Banish the Spleen, Improve the Wit, Create Mirth, Entertain Company, and Give the Reader a Light Heart and a Chearful Countenance. The Whole Teaching the Agreeable Art of Story Telling, and Furnishing Pieces of Wit for the Amusement of Both Sexes

· printed and sold T. Sabine and son, 81, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street
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