Johnny Red

┬╖ Johnny Red родрпКроХрпБрокрпНрокрпБ 4 ┬╖ Titan Comics
1 роХро░рпБродрпНродрпБ
рокрокрпБро│рпН роЬрпВроорпН

роЗроирпНрод рооро┐ройрпНрокрпБродрпНродроХродрпНродрпИрокрпН рокро▒рпНро▒ро┐

Johnny Red is a leader without a squadron. His beloved Falcons have been taken away from him and sent away on a very secret mission, leaving him to shepherd a new clutch of young pilots on their first mission. But, up in the sun, the Luftwaffe's fighters wait, looking to rack up more kills...

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1 роХро░рпБродрпНродрпБ

роЖроЪро┐ро░ро┐ропро░рпН роХрпБро▒ро┐рокрпНрокрпБ

A cornerstone of the modern comic industry, Garth Ennis is most easily recognized as the creator of Preacher, one of the best-selling graphic novel series of all time. His full list of writing credits is nothing short of extraordinary; his career highlights include "Judge Dredd, Hellblazer, The Demon, Hitman, Punisher, The Pro, War Story, and The Boys". Over the past ten years, Ennis has published numerous acclaimed and fan-favorite projects through Avatar Press, including "Dicks, Chronicles Of Wormwood, 303, Streets Of Glory", and the wildly successful Crossed series. He wrote and directed his first film, "Stitched", which Avatar Press continued as an ongoing series.Beginning his career in comic books as a freelance artist in 1990, David Lapham founded El Capitan Books in 1995 exclusively to publish his Eisner Award-winning crime comic book series, "Stray Bullets". In recent years, he has worked as a writer for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse, and finally Avatar Press, on three "Crossed" projects ("Family Values", "Crossed 3D", "Badlands", and "Psychopath"), "Ferals", and "Caligula".Simon Spurrier, a British author of comic books and novels, first began writing professionally in 2001. He contributed extensively to the library of respected UK publisher 2000 AD, including their flagship comic book series "Judge Dredd, Harry Kipling, Lobster Random, and The Simping Detective". He also wrote several novels set in the 2000 AD and Warhammer 40,000 story continuities. With the debut of his creator-owned series "Gutsville" in 2007, Spurrier began to work in the American comic book market, predominantly on such Marvel Comics properties as "Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider, and X-Men". In 2011, Spurrier launched a successful web comic through Avatar Press, "Crossed: Wish You Were Here", which presents his take on the on the popular horror franchise ( Keith Burns is an author, publisher, film and television writer, director and producer, as well as an antiques, popular culture and entertainment industry consultant and appraiser. His bookstore (Books on Main) and site for ephemera (Burns Bizarre) feature more than one million historic books, artifacts and ephemera.

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Android рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН iPad/iPhoneроХрпНроХро╛рой Google Play рокрпБроХрпНро╕рпН роЖрокрпНро╕рпИ роиро┐ро▒рпБро╡рпБроорпН. роЗродрпБ родро╛ройро╛роХро╡рпЗ роЙроЩрпНроХро│рпН роХрогроХрпНроХрпБроЯройрпН роТродрпНродро┐роЪрпИроХрпНроХрпБроорпН рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН роОроЩрпНроХро┐ро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро▓рпБроорпН роЖройрпНро▓рпИройро┐ро▓рпН роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роЖроГрокрпНро▓рпИройро┐ро▓рпН рокроЯро┐роХрпНроХ роЕройрпБроородро┐роХрпНроХрпБроорпН.
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Google Playропро┐ро▓рпН ро╡ро╛роЩрпНроХро┐роп роЖроЯро┐ропрпЛ рокрпБродрпНродроХроЩрпНроХро│рпИ роЙроЩрпНроХро│рпН роХроорпНрокрпНропрпВроЯрпНроЯро░ро┐ройрпН ро╡ро▓рпИ роЙро▓ро╛ро╡ро┐ропро┐ро▓рпН роХрпЗроЯрпНроХро▓ро╛роорпН.
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Kobo роЗ-ро░рпАроЯро░рпНроХро│рпН рокрпЛройрпНро▒ роЗ-роЗроЩрпНроХрпН роЪро╛родройроЩрпНроХро│ро┐ро▓рпН рокроЯро┐роХрпНроХ, роГрокрпИро▓рпИрокрпН рокродро┐ро╡ро┐ро▒роХрпНроХро┐ роЙроЩрпНроХро│рпН роЪро╛родройродрпНродро┐ро▒рпНроХрпБ рооро╛ро▒рпНро▒ро╡рпБроорпН. роЖродро░ро┐роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпБроорпН роЗ-ро░рпАроЯро░рпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роГрокрпИро▓рпНроХро│рпИ рооро╛ро▒рпНро▒, роЙродро╡ро┐ роорпИропродрпНродро┐ройрпН ро╡ро┐ро░ро┐ро╡ро╛рой ро╡ро┤ро┐роорпБро▒рпИроХро│рпИрокрпН рокро┐ройрпНрокро▒рпНро▒ро╡рпБроорпН.

родрпКроЯро░рпИ ро╡ро░ро┐роЪрпИрокрпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродрпБродро▓рпН

роорпЗро▓рпБроорпН Garth Ennis роОро┤рпБродро┐ропро╡рпИ

роЗродрпИрокрпН рокрпЛройрпНро▒ рооро┐ройрпНрокрпБродрпНродроХроЩрпНроХро│рпН