Jon Rogawski received his undergraduate degree (and simultaneously a masters degree in mathematics) at Yale, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University, where he studied under Robert Langlands. Prior to joining the Department of Mathematics at UCLA, where he is currently Full Professor, he held teaching positions at Yale and the University of Chicago, and research positions at the Institute for Advanced Study and University of Bonn. Jons areas of interest are number theory, automorphic forms, and harmonic analysis on semisimple groups. He has published numerous research articles in leading mathematical journals, including a research monograph entitled Automorphic Representations of Unitary Groups in Three Variables (Princeton University Press). He is the recipient of a Sloan Fellowship and an editor of The Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Jon and his wife Julie, a physician in family practice, have four children. They run a busy household and, whenever possible, enjoy family vacations in the mountains of California. Jon is a passionate classical music lover and plays the violin and classical guitar.
Colin Adams is the Thomas T. Read Professor of Mathematics at Williams College, where he has taught since 1985. He has produced a number of books that make mathematics more accessible and relatable, including How to Ace Calculus and its sequel, How to Ace the Rest of Calculus; Riot at the Calc Exam and other Mathematically Bent Stories; and Zombies & Calculus. Colin co-wrote and appears in the videos The Great Pi vs. E Debate and Derivative vs. Integral: the Final Smackdown. Adams received his undergraduate degree from MIT and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He had held various grants for research in the area of knot theory and low-dimensional topology and has published numerous research articles. He received the Haimo National Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) in 1998, and the Robert Foster Cherry Teaching Award in 2003. Adams also served as MAA Polya Lecturer (1998-2000), and as Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer (2000-2002).
Robert (Bob) Franzosa is a professor of mathematics at the University of Maine where he has been on the faculty since 1983. Bob received a BS in mathematics from MIT in 1977 and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin in 1984. His research has been in dynamical systems and in applications of topology in geographic information systems. He has been involved in mathematics education outreach in the state of Maine for most of his career. Bob is a co-author of Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied and Algebraic Models in Our World. He was awarded the University of Maine’s Presidential Outstanding Teaching award in 2003.
Bob is married, has two children, three step-children, and one grandson.