Whether you use Joomla! to power a website, intranet, or blog, you'll need a good how-to reference on this complex, but not always intuitive, content management software. Joomla! Bible, Second Edition is that book. It not only brings you up to speed on the changes and extensions that are now part of Joomla! 3.0, it thoroughly covers functions and tasks, including installation, configuration, management, advanced modules, and extended coverage of two key extensions.
You'll learn how to obtain code and deploy it to a server; how to obtain, modify, and delete content; how to choose between the Joomla! Platform and the Joomla! CMS; and more. By the time you finish the Joomla! Bible, Second Edition, you'll be well prepared to build and maintain a Joomla!-based website.
Whether you're a content manager, website manager, developer, or do-it-yourselfer, make sure you keep Joomla! Bible, Second Edition on hand.
Ric Shreves is a freelance writer and web applications development consultant. His company, water & stone (www.waterandstone.com), specializes in the creation of websites using open source content management systems and has deployed hundreds of websites on the Joomla! system. A past president of the Mambo Foundation, Ric is also the author of several books, including the previous edition of the Joomla! Bible. He has worked as a columnist for ComputerWorld and written for a number of tech publications.