Jothirlingam: The Indian Temple Guide

· Partridge Publishing

O tej e-knjigi

The author is an Indian, degree in mechanical did his academic in Vaniyambadi located in Tamil Nadu in India. He is 42 years old with rich travel experience across the world. Worked many countries and mingle with various mankind strongly believes every one same. The supernatural power drives everyone. He attempted in this book the great Sivam Lord Siva and HIS Jothirlingam shrines in india. He would like to dedicate this book to his mother who bring him to this world and taught how the good deeds will lead to success. He born in poor family last his father in childhood due to his hard work come up in life. He is basically a sailor that made him rich exposure to this world.

O avtorju

He is an engineer who has rich affinity toward history of mankind and how the spiritual helps for society civilization and paves the growth. He is an Indian born in Tamil Nadu and grew in the town of Vaniyambadi. With God’s grace, his nature of duty took him to several parts of world and as well as India. Having his rich travel experience and having visited many of the places and temple mentioned in this book, his rich faith in spiritual caused him to write this book.

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