Judas Horse: An FBI Special Agent Ana Grey Mystery

· Special Agent Ana Grey წიგნი 2 · გამყიდველი: Vintage Crime/Black Lizard

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

FBI Agent Ana Grey returns to infiltrate the volatile core of an eco-terrorist cell in the Pacific Northwest.

Only months after a traumatic shooting incident, Ana is still emotionally unstable when she returns to work and learns that a fellow agent—and former lover—was killed by a group of terrorists operating under the name of FAN (Free Animals Now). To find the murderer and prevent any further killing, Ana goes undercover as an animal activist. In the course of her investigation, Ana encounters Julius Emerson Phelps, the charismatic leader of a "family" of anarchists in rural Oregon, whose secret past could blow the Bureau to pieces. To matters worse, Ana learns that Phelps is preparing a cataclysmic act of terrorism. With time ticking away and her undercover identity in jeopardy, Ana must find a way to solve her case and foil Phelp's bloody plot.

ავტორის შესახებ

April Smith is the author of North of Montana, Be the One, and Good Morning, Killer. She is also a television screenwriter and producer. She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and children.

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