Jung and Sex: Re-visioning the treatment of sexual issues

· Routledge

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

C. G. Jung, despite not being widely known for his views on sexuality or the treatment of sexual issues, made extensive contributions to understanding the complexities of this field throughout his life. In Jung and Sex, Edward Santana makes the case that reclaiming this knowledge can address substantial problems with current treatments and support many who struggle with sexual issues.

This thorough exploration of Jung’s approach to sexual issues presents a wide-ranging new look at his work and adds contemporary perspectives for helping those suffering with sexual difficulties. The book calls for an important bridging of clinical perspectives to address the contemporary challenges of complex sexual issues and brings attention to a large body of Jung’s work on human sexuality, ranging from pioneering thoughts on sexual expressions of the soul to understanding ways to treat sexual symptoms. Jung and Sex provides a comprehensive analysis of Jung’s views on, and clinical approaches to, sexual issues and treatments, using this knowledge in order to help those with sexual problems and the professionals who support them. It is an essential text for understanding critical dimensions of human sexuality.

Jung and Sex

is an important contribution that closes a gap in the literature of Jungian psychology. It offers unique insights into the subject for Jungian psychotherapists, analytical psychologists, sex therapists, and relationship counselors. The book also supports the work of academics and those interested in contemporary applications of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.

ავტორის შესახებ

Edward Santana, Ph.D. is a Registered Psychotherapist and director of a doctoral program in psychotherapy. He was executive director of the Ontario division of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) and maintained a private practice in Toronto, Canada. He formerly worked as a clinical program supervisor, public relations executive, and congressional staff member. He currently lives and practices in Southern California.

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