Justice League International Vol. 1

· DC
29 шүүмж
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In the late 1980s, writers Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis redefined the Justice League of America with these unique, humorous tales, collected for the first time since their original comic-book publication. With Batman, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and other quirky heroes of the DC Universe, the team battles the colony of spaceships known only as the Cluster, then must track their missing comrade, Mister Miracle to the dread planet Apokolips. And when our heroes arrive back on Earth, they must contend with the new Queen Bee and the return of Lobo. Collects issues #1-6.

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29 шүүмж

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Keith Giffen works waaaay too much, and frankly... it worries us. A true Renaissance man, Keith has provided either plotting, scripting, breakdowns, pencils, or any combination thereof for titles such as ALL-STAR COMICS, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, RAGMAN, CREEPER, LOBO, SUICIDE SQUAD, The Defenders, Hero Squared!, and, um... AMBUSH BUG. Most recently heÍs been involved with the weekly series 52 and COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS, as well as 52 AFTERMATH: THE FOUR HORSEMEN and MIDNIGHTER, plus a gazillion other things.

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