Kathleen Turner on Acting: Conversations about Film, Television, and Theater

· Predajca: Simon and Schuster
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Táto e‑kniha

Few actors have had a career as dynamic as that Kathleen Turner's; success has followed her from the television screen to major blockbusters, from indie films to the theater stage. Over her forty-year career, Turner has developed an instinctual knowledge of what it takes to be a successful actor, and, in her conversations with esteemed film professor Dustin Morrow, she shares these lessons with the world.
With her iconic wit on full display, Turner dazzles readers with her shrewd insights on the craft of acting and charming anecdotes from her own storied career. Touching on each of her roles, she expounds on the lessons she’s learned and describes her journey of discovery in the world of acting.
An epic and intense one-on-one master class in acting from the best teacher imaginable, Kathleen Turner on Acting is a must for acting and directing students of every age, established actors and directors, filmmakers, theater pros, and artists of every stripe.

O autorovi

Kathleen Turner, acclaimed stage and film actress, made her film debut in Body Heat in 1981, propelling her to stardom and becoming one of the defining roles of her career. She continued to garner commercial and critical success with performances in Romancing the Stone (1984), The Jewel of the Nile (1985), Prizzi’s Honor (1985), Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), and The Virgin Suicides (1999). Turner has also had a long and renowned career as a stage actress with starring roles in productions such as Indiscretions, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Graduate, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, and The Year of Magical Thinking. She currently lives in New York City.

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