Keara's Raven: Betrayal

· Keara's Raven Sách 2 · Snowy Wings Publishing
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Rebellion always comes with a cost.

Keara is running for her life. On her twelfth birthday, she was supposed to sacrifice her magical darkbeast raven on a holy altar. Instead, she rebelled and spared Caw's life.

Now, Keara and Caw travel the Great Road with two other rebels. They flee terrifying Inquisitor priests while they search for the Darkers—other people who’ve saved their beloved darkbeasts.

Winter winds blow hard. Keara and her companions, near-frozen and close to starvation, discover an underground community of strangers. They offer food and shelter, and darkbeasts are welcome.

But are these folk truly the Darkers? Or will they betray Keara and Caw to the authorities who want to enslave them—or worse?

The Keara's Raven Series includes:

Keara's Raven: Escape

Keara's Raven: Betrayal


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Giới thiệu tác giả

USA Today bestselling author Mindy Klasky learned to read when her parents shoved a book in her hands and told her she could travel anywhere through stories. As a writer, Mindy has traveled through various genres, including light paranormal, hot contemporary romance, and traditional fantasy. In her spare time, Mindy knits, quilts, and tries to tame her to-be-read shelf.

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