Keeper of Reign: Reign Epic fantasy

· Reign Epic Fantasy for chidlren 1. kniha · Keeper of Reign
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Táto e‑kniha

Sixteen year old Jules Blaze, heir of a Keeper, suspects his family hides a forgotten secret. It's bad enough that his people, the Elfies of Reign, triggered a curse which reduced the entire inhabitants to a mere inch centuries ago. All because of one Keeper who failed his purpose. 

Even the King's Books, penned with the Majesty's own blood, did not help ward off this anathema. Now, Gehzurolle, the evil lord, and his armies of Scorpents, seem bent on destroying Jules and his family. 

Why? Gehzurolle's agents hunt for Jules as he journeys into enemy land to find the truth. Truth that could save him and his family, and possibly even reverse the age-long curse. Provided Jules doesn't get himself killed first.

O autorovi

 Emma Right is  a multiple Award Winning and Amazon Best Seller author, and a homeschooling teacher/mother of five--her eldest is already happily married  living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA.

She hopes you find my stories rich and engaging. 
If your kids want fun and exciting? Imaginative stories that will offer complex characters and thought-provoking plots, head over to to sample her books. Her stories are high in moral values and give kids something to think about long after reading them.

Her stories are for (YA) young adults, (15-18), Middle Graders (11-15) and Elementary readers (which you could also do as a read-aloud for the younger readers and discuss the pictures and choices the characters make) and deal with:

Importance of Choices
Moral living
Family values

Visit me at Emma Right at for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and author helps of various sorts: Also follow me on Facebook and "like" her fan page at

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